Rail Siding Upgrade + Grain Bunker Extension

Client Information

Services: Civil
Duration: July - November 2015
Value: $1,100,000
Location: Dubbo, NSW


  • Bulk excavation of site, working in with a live rail siding and container forks loading trains every second day.
  • Cutting of topsoil, and stockpiling for later use in the project.
  • Construction of 300 metre long, 3 metre high noise bund.
  • Supply and installation of 40,000 tonne of roadbase.
  • Cement stabilising of roadbase to increase the strength of the pavement.
  • Construction of a stormwater retention basin, including v drain channels and an overflow drain to run 500 metres down the paddock in a controlled environment.
  • Construction of a building pad, including compaction testing for future buildings onsite.