Southlakes Estate

Client Information

Client: MAAS Group Properties Pty Ltd
Services: Civil
Duration: June 2014 - Present
Value: $35M +
Location: Dubbo, NSW


Residential housing estate in Dubbo, NSW

Scope of Works:

  • Roadworks including lime stabilising, kerb and gutter roads to DRC standards
  • Construction of V drain roads. Laying, testing and commissioning of sewer mains to DRC standards, sizing 150mm, 225mm mains.
  • Connection of live 450mm diameter sewer mains.
  • Laying of stormwater pipe up to 1200 diameter.
  • Installation, testing and commissioning of 7 large gross pollutant traps.
  • Installation of water mains including blue brute, DICL up to 300mm in diameter.
  • Installation of air and scour valves.
  • Construction of 8 stormwater retention basins with overflow weirs and detailed landscaping and excavation of over 70,000 square metres of parkland to DRC standard.
  • Installation of a complicated reticulated irrigation system with IRRINET connections talking to existing bores located 2 kilometres from site.